There are many variables that go into your order. What stone? What color? Size? What is the design? What cemetery? What are their requirements? Installation, taxes, cemetery fees…. These questions and more will determine the final price. Our flat markers start at $650, upright single monuments start at about $1,500, companion upright monuments start at $4,000, and benches start at around $2,500. If there is a particular stone you have in mind, please reach out to us and we will happily quote you on a price!

If applicable for your cemetery, this is the fee for the verification work the cemetery will do with your stone. This includes the necessary paperwork, plot verification, flagging the area, etc. It is not optional.

In-stock items are fulfilled in as little as 8-12 WEEKS. We begin making the stone after your monument’s design has been approved.

The heir of the deceased is typically the owner of the plot.

This varies depending on the cemetery. Plot requirements are typically included on your deed for the plot. If that’s not handy, you can call us, and we will help locate that information.

We’ll place you into the production queue as soon as you and the cemetery approve the design and layout of the stone.

We accept cash, check, or credit/debit card from all major carriers. We also offer a split payment plan with 60% down when the contract is signed and the balance due when the monument is complete and the installation is scheduled. We also offer a 12-month payment plan with a 5% interest charge.

Yes! We can engrave names, dates, etc. on-site without moving the stone.

Yes! We do regular maintenance, cleaning, leveling, etc. All on-site!

P.S. Thanks for reading. We want nothing more than to be your first choice to memorialize your loved one. Our sales team is on standby to get you started. Visit our *products* page and/or our *custom builder* to see the possibilities.
